The power of influencers is on the rise, thanks to the central role that social media and the creator economy now play in consumer life. There’s an overarching sense that influencers impact consumers — but what impact exactly?
What social media platforms do you use regularly? Which video content types do you find most engaging? Which social platforms are you most likely to purchase products from? What factors play into your purchase decisions? And more…
However, consumers choose to follow brand accounts for a very different reason — product recommendations and deals.
This is an even bigger focus for consumers that are younger (Gen Z) and female identifying.
Community and authenticity are key for our influencer marketing strategy. When we evaluate the effectiveness of our program, we take a qualitative look at each partnership. Does what we’re asking make sense with the content the influencer already creates? What’s the sentiment of the influencer’s community — are they engaged or passive? We also strive to find partners that are actively managing and fostering the growth of their communities.