Grow Creator Community

Scale Recruitment & Onboarding of New Creative Talent

Grow your community and efficiently scale onboarding of creators in your program.

Attract new creative talent with inbound applications

Let your brand advocates apply to your program to effortlessly grow your pool of interested partners with branded recruitment pages, ongoing recruitment, and alerts when new creators apply.

Branded recruitment pages

Publish live web pages and invite creators to apply to your program.

Ongoing recruitment

Maximize your exposure to new creators by having your onboarding page listed in Traackr’s creator hub.

Inbound notifications

Get daily alerts of new applicant.

Streamline onboarding of new creators

Simplify adding creators to your network and start building valuable relationships on the right foot at scale.

Easy sign-ups

Creators simply fill in basic demographic information and self-authenticate social accounts to join Traackr’s creator hub.

Custom onboarding surveys

Easily capture all the information you need upon signup to support your specific goals such as product preferences and personal details, saving you precious time down the line.

Quick vetting & selection

View all applicants and their information in a single place. Easily accept or dismiss candidates.

Acceptance notifications

Creators receive an automated congratulatory email when accepted into your program.

Self-managed Instagram authentication

Creators can easily connect and disconnect their Instagram accounts themselves to enable stories tracking.

Ready to take your influencer marketing to the next level?