Influencer Discovery & Vetting

Data-Driven Influencer Discovery & Vetting

Find the right influencers everytime with access to the largest global influencer data set and deep insights on each potential creator partner.
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Content Search

Find influencers based on mentions of your brand, competitors, topics of interest, and hashtags.

Influencer Attributes

Narrow your search by specifying influencer criteria, such as job title, gender, location, language, platform, follower count, and engagement rate.

Audience Criteria

Filter your search by specifying audience gender, age, family status, interests, brand affinity, location, occupation, and income level.

Proactive Recommendations

Grow your influencer community with automated recommendations of new influencers talking about your brand, competitors, and key topics of interest.

Traackr’s data quality and breadth of its database are unrivaled. It’s been essential in our work to find the perfect influencers for our clients and prospects – whether we are working on a complex proposal with the creation of custom KPIs or on the day-to-day influencer relationships.
Nathalie Folco — Account Director, Integrated Media Strategy, Weber Shandwick
Nathalie Folco
Account Director, Integrated Media Strategy
Weber Shandwick

A Complete Influencer Marketing Platform

Select the Right Influencers for Every Campaign

Build a reliable methodology for discovering and evaluating the perfect creative partners for your brand.

Ready to learn more about running influencer product seeding programs with Traackr?

Influencer Discovery & Vetting

Data-Driven Influencer Discovery & Vetting

Find the right influencers everytime with access to the largest global influencer data set and deep insights on each potential creator partner.

Schedule a Demo

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You're in Good Company

Traackr’s data quality and breadth of its database are unrivaled. It’s been essential in our work to find the perfect influencers for our clients and prospects – whether we are working on a complex proposal with the creation of custom KPIs or on the day-to-day influencer relationships.
Nathalie Folco — Account Director, Integrated Media Strategy, Weber Shandwick
Nathalie Folco
Account Director, Integrated Media Strategy
Weber Shandwick

Ready to learn more about running affiliate programs with Traackr?